The Books „Clinical Periodontology” (I volume) and “Non-Surgical and surgical treatment of periodontal disease” (II volume) are one of the most comprehensive ever written in the past few decades. It is a very useful tool for students at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level and for all clinicians that consider periodontology the solid base for the good clinical practice in dentistry.
Authored by Ketevan Gogilashvili and Sophio Samkharadze, this manual has garnered positive acclaim from international medical schools. Positioned as a recommended guide for undergraduate, postgraduate teaching, and continuing professional education programs, the book addresses a crucial aspect in the unified educational realm – the creation of a comprehensive endodontics resource.
The creation of this guideline is driven by the objective of consolidating fundamental recommendations essential for secure operations within a modern dental clinic. It addresses the crucial aspects of effective radiation control, precise imaging, and the utmost safety optimization for both personnel and patients.
The first part of the book, titled "Basic and Clinical Periodontology," draws upon guidelines developed from international and national experiences. A seamless amalgamation of cutting-edge technologies and the intellectual contributions of American and European Schools, the book features illustrations depicting clinical cases from foreign specialists and our own center, Albius.
წინამდებარე სახელმძღვანელო განკუთვნილია სტომატოლოგის ასისტენტის პროფესიული განათლების პროგრამის სტუდენტებისთვის. ასევე შესაძლებელია გამოყენებული იყოს ექიმი სტომატოლოგების უწყვეტი პროფესიული განათლების პროგრამებისა და კვალიფიკაციის ასამაღლებელი სხვა კურსებისთვის ნებისმიერი დაინტერესებული პირისთვის.
The hope is that "Basic and Clinical Endodontics" will significantly aid individuals across the spectrum of dental professions—students, residents, postgraduates, doctors, and dental assistants—in making accurate treatment decisions and practicing judiciously. The book provides transparent, practical recommendations to help navigate the challenges encountered in practice, fostering a path grounded in hypotheses and individual knowledge.